Title: begin again Fandom: Highlander Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: violence/death Pairings: none Rating: PG Wordcount: 430 Point of view: third Prompt: any, any/any, "Your definition of emergency and mine are vastly different."
Title: after the end Fandom: Animorphs Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: references to death Pairings: canon Rating: PG Wordcount: 130 Prompt: Animorphs, any, so busy trying to survive that they never stopped to wonder what would happen if they did
Title: rebuild Fandom: Highlander Disclaimer: Methos isn’t mine Warnings: post-apocalyptic Pairings: none Rating: PG Wordcount: 230 Point of view: third Prompt: any. any. A smart guy once said that World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones. He was right.
Title: Red Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: the shadowfox is a creepy dude. Shades of implied non-con. Pairings: gen Rating: PG/13 Point of view: third Wordcount: 200 Prompt: red
Title: There was no one near or far to keep the world from being mine Fandom: Highlander/Avengers movieverse Disclaimer: not my characters; title from Sara Teasdale Warnings: future!fic for Avengers and Highlander Pairings: none Rating: PG Wordcount: 690 Point of view: third Prompt: Any, any, white horses in the night